How the White House Is Seeking Justice for Native Americans
“From Wyoming’s Wind River Country to members of Canada’s First Nations, the crisis of violence against Indigenous women and girls transcends state and national borders. Here in our own country, presidents of both parties have tried and failed to find lasting solutions,” Rose Dunleavy writes in U.S. News & World Report.
“To his credit, President Donald Trump has remained committed to our cause.”

“The U.S. Department of Justice filed a much-anticipated lawsuit Tuesday accusing Google of abusing its dominant position in online search and advertising to cement its market power”—similar to the 1998 lawsuit against Microsoft. “For Big Tech, it’s a reckoning that’s been a long time coming,” the Los Angeles Times editorial board writes.

“More and more medical professionals are recognizing the severe damage the lockdowns have caused to present and future public health. A worldwide collection of medical and public health experts has just issued a declaration stating that current ‘lockdown policies are producing devastating effects,’” including suicides, delays in crucial medical care, drug and opioid abuse, and domestic violence, James Lucas writes in The Federalist.

“President Trump has made combating Jew-hatred a top national priority,” including by hosting a first-ever U.S. Government conference on fighting Anti-Semitism online. “In the online world, increasing numbers of the world’s youth are lured into dangerous virtual neighborhoods where they are vulnerable to poisonous influences and can be lost to violent radicalization,” U.S. Special Envoy Elan Carr writes in The Hill.
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